INFERNET kick-off meeting
The INFERNET Kick-off meeting took place in Turin, at HuGeF’s premises on April 4th 2017. Prof. Andrea Pagnani, the Scientific Responsible of the project opened the meeting and welcomed the attenders, introducing the agenda for the day. A round of the table presentation of all partners’ with a brief introduction of scientific activities, staff, facilities, and role in the project was done.
Prof. Andrea Pagnani presented both the original concept and the objectives of the project, with a particular focus with the progress beyond the state of the art and the overall strategy of the work plan.
Ms. Silvia Cerioli presented the administrative and legal issues focusing in particular on sharing the information received at the Coordinator’s info day and on the reporting modalities.
The website of the project was presented to all the partnership to share ideas and collect suggestions. Prof. Andrea Pagnani gave a general overview of the expected timetable of deliverables and activity to be carried out for the first months. A particular emphasis was set on the on the communication/dissemination tasks and on the importance of sharing information within the consortium.
Dissemination events foreseen were planned and the meeting conclusion was a final round table discussion on confidential and logistic aspects.